Thursday, January 30, 2020

The 90/10 Rule - How to do more with the 10

We all know the rule and most have experienced it. 90% of the work is done by 10% of the people on the board. You might not be able to change the ratio but you can do more with those 10%. Make things easy by choosing fundraisers that are less work with more bottom line benefit.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Why do teams have multiple fundraisers?

Why do you need seven? Let's face ask the same people for every fundraiser. ONE good fundraiser is much better, more profitable and much less work. Find one good fundraiser that makes you the money you need and put all your efforts into that one. You will be surprised at the results.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Travel ball is expensive!

Travel ball costs money - usually lots of money. Many teams try various fundraisers but the problem is that the same people who pay the bulk of the expenses (Mom and Dan) are the same ones targeted with the money raising programs. The other issue is that most of the fundraisers contribute very little to a team's overall finances. Maybe its time to look for a creative way to raise more funds.

Monday, January 27, 2020

The 90/10 Rule

We all know the rule and most have experienced it. 90% of the work is done by 10% of the people on the board. You might not be able to change the ration but you can do more with those 10%. #LiveStreamEveryEvent #Fundraising

Friday, January 24, 2020

Do more with MORE

Most booster clubs and teams focus on doing more with less. Why not figure out how to do more by having more. Evaluation the real results of your fundraising programs and look for options that are more effective. Soon you will start doing more with more!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Let your player's remote fans watch

Take the game to your fans. There are many people who would love to watch your games but cannot always attend. Let them watch!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Live Stream Your Swim Meets

Take the pool to your fans! Live stream your swim meets....and help raise money for your team! Your swimmers deserve the exposure and your bank account deserves the additional revenue.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How can you get more out of hosting your baseball tournament?

Looking to make extra money from your preseason baseball tournament? Let Virtual Fan Video take your tournament finances to the next level.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Live streaming is NOT just for large schools

Small school? Not to streaming your events is absolutely realistic with Virtual Fan Video.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Need a "life" DVR so you can see all of your kid's activites?

Did you miss Little Susie's game winning shot? ...and now you have no way to see it? Let Virtual Fan Video be your live sports DVR so you never miss a moment.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fundraising running short this season - don't panic

You are short on your fundraising what? Check out to see how we can help push you over the top...even if your season well underway.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Team Fundraising Behind Schedule

Holiday fundraising not go as well as you needed? There are ways to salvage your budget - even if your season is already underway. Virtual Fan Video

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Don't Make Your Kids Beg

There are better ways to fund your sports program than making kids beg for money. Check out your options - you will be surprised how you can actually make more money by providing something people actually want to buy.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Empty Bleachers at your games?

Are the bleachers at your games empty? Why not let those who want to watch - but can't get to the game - enjoy your team's performance? Let Virtual Fan Video help you send your game to your fans.